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Shell Broadband: Customer service appalling. Internet speed useless

Shell Energy Broadband Reviews posted on

Reviewer: Vic: Location: Croydon

Date: 2021-11-18

A complete scam. They offered me a quality internet and it never gave up. And when I wanted to go out with them they sent me a bill for 337 pounds. Not even gasoline will I buy the shell again. They are thiefs.

Reviewer: Susan: Date: 2021-11-18

We only got it installed last few days after being harassed by staff in Curries informing me I’ll get same as sky for less £. Absolute ********.
Avoid Shell broadband….forever on phone to them with no results and threatened with penalty if breaking contract….money well down the drain. AVOID THEM LIKE a PLAGUE.

Reviewer: Betty Garland: Location: BARROW-IN-FURNESS: Date: 2021-11-18

Whilst the staff are helpful and considerate the overall experience has been dreadful. Moved provider on the 5th November but didn’t get broadband connected until evening of the 10th. Since then it has been patchy or non existent. I have found it very stressful.

Reviewer: Disgusted: Location: Yorkshire: Date: 2021-11-18

Avoid, avoid, avoid

Customer service appalling. Internet speed useless. Complained many times during the 12 months I was stuck with them. Paid in advance so they actually owe me money but they keep billing me weeks after I’ve left. Now they say I haven’t returned router, which I definitely did. They say they will add £35 to my final bill. What final bill?? Beware of this scam.

Reviewer: Julie Datta: Location: London: Date: 2021-11-17

Quite the worst broadband service we have ever had by a long shot. Terrible speeds, far lower than we have had for more than a decade, we have had to pay hefty penalty charges for early departure and then months after we left they sent debt collectors on to us because we had forgotten to return their horrendously lousy router. Don’t go anywhere near them…

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