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Shell Energy admits failings in its shockingly bad customer support

The featured extracts below are from profusely apologetic replies from Shell Energy in response to stinging customer reviews about Shell Energy posted on Trustpilot. Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and the complete Shell Energy responses). Shell’s apologies try to address the reoccurring theme in the flood of negative reviews – the difficulty in communicating with the company.

Extracts from apologies put into writing by Shell Energy on Trustpilot 

16 Jan 2020

I’m extremely sorry that you’ve had difficulty getting through to us. Please be assured that we’re investing a lot into reducing wait times and making sure we have the support and measurements in place to ensure that wait times are reduced going forward also.

16 Jan 2020

I’m extremely sorry that you’ve had trouble getting in touch…

16 Jan 2020

I am very apologetic for the negative experience you have faced thus far with our services. I can assure you this is surely not the level of service we wish to provide to any of our customers. I would also like to apologies for the long delay in answering your call or essentially being available to take your query. 

15 Jan 2020

I can only apologise for the shortfalls you have experienced when trying to get in touch with us. We are working exceptionally hard to ensure that we have the necessary support in place to reduce wait times and put measurements in place to ensure this going forward.

14 Jan 2020

I’d also like to let you know we’re currently recruiting more people to support answering the phone, replying to emails and responding to chats quicker!

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